Who are we?

Our NGO has been involved in international cooperation for more than 80 years and has a long experience and institutional expertise in development cooperation and humanitarian action.

Solidar Swiss was founded in 1936 by the Swiss Trade Union Federation and the Swiss Socialist Party under the name of Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk (Swiss Workers' Relief Organization, SAH).

True to our historical roots, we are driven by the fight for a fairer world. Solidar Suisse conducts awareness campaigns in Switzerland and has operated in recent years with an average annual budget of 18 million Swiss francs. Our organization currently runs more than 60 projects in over 15 countries and employs 34 people in Switzerland and 100 abroad. Organized as an association, Solidar Switzerland is supported by collective members and a broad network of private members and donors. Private foundations and the public sector, in particular the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Swiss Solidarity and the Liechtenstein Development Service.

(LED) are important partners for us.

Our organization is a member of SOLIDAR, a European network of more than 60 civil society organizations (CSOs) working to defend social justice in Europe and around the world. We are a partner of Alliance Sud, the Swiss alliance of some of the largest NGOs active in the field of international cooperation.

Our vision

At the global level:
A just and equal world, free from discrimination, exploitation and violence, where people's basic needs are met and their fundamental rights are respected; a world where everyone enjoys decent work, social justice, equal opportunities and democratic participation.

At the regional level:
Improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations in West Africa through a holistic response of humanitarian, development and peace actions.

Our mission

Our strategic focus

To promote a more equitable world, Solidar Suisse Burkina Faso focuses its actions on two major programs: the Economy and Work Program (ET) and the Democracy, Civil Society and Humanitarian Action Program (DCSAH).  

In addition, these two programs include a complementary approach called Nexus.Through this approach, Solidar Suisse combines humanitarian action, rural development and peace actions, with the objective of offering better living conditions to rural populations in an environment of social cohesion.

Each program carries out different development projects according to its field of intervention.

Our values

Solidarity and human rights

We stand in solidarity with poor people and vulnerable groups. Human rights are our guiding principle: they are non-negotiable and universal. In addition, we advocate for an equal distribution of resources, goods, services and economic opportunities.


We take clear positions in major political and social debates. All humanitarian interventions are carried out impartially and independently, based on the rights and needs of the affected people.


We strive to be accountable for our actions and are committed to transparency.

Inclusiveness and equality

We respect all people, regardless of their gender, origin, religion, social position, physical abilities or sexual orientation. For Solidar Suisse, gender equality means that all human beings enjoy the same rights, opportunities and benefits in all areas of life. We believe that every person has the right to shape the actions and decisions that affect their lives and the society in which they live in.


As a humanitarian organization, we provide support to people living in precarious conditions and vulnerable groups; these people must be able to enjoy and exercise their rights. Therefore, we do not consider the recipients as passive recipients of charity or as victims, but as active and autonomous people who fight for their rights.


Solidar Switzerland is committed to being a fair employer. As an employer, we promote a culture of personal responsibility, flexibility and professional development. We are competent, innovative and reliable, thanks to qualified and motivated employees

Our approach - Our values in practice

We build sustainable and authentic quality partnerships to enable citizens and their collective organizations to fight for a democratic society and the rule of law. We work with civil society organizations, NGOs, grassroots organizations, social movements, labor rights movements and trade unions. We actively collaborate with our donors, on whose behalf we implement the projects.

Our work is based on cooperation between equal partners. Far from charity based on unequal relationships between donor and recipient, we believe that our understanding of solidarity involves respecting the integrity of our partners and their right to set their own terms. In return, we expect our partners to respect our interests and values.

We engage in national and international movements, platforms and networks to achieve common goals and collectively respond to global challenges.
We actively seek to build appropriate collaborations and alliances to increase the awareness and impact of our work.

We fight against precarious working conditions and exploitation (modern slavery such as child labor or forced labor), while promoting legal, social and labor protection where it is not yet granted. Social protection focuses on labor rights, fair and dignified working conditions, living wages, social security and health, as well as the right to assembly and unionization.

People's participation and organization are important for securing human rights and enabling people to have greater influence over their lives and social development. We strive for universal access to democratic participation and are committed to ensuring that all the people we work for and with are able to influence the policy decisions that shape their lives.

We assume social, economic and ecological responsibility, both nationally and internationally, and are committed to using our resources diligently and carefully.

Humanity faces challenges unprecedented in the 21st century such as climate change, urbanization and migration, inequality, food and water crises, digital transformation, access to renewable energy, fragile states and armed conflict. We believe that we must cooperate across borders and cultures to address these challenges. As a Swiss organization, we must stand in solidarity with those who do not enjoy the wealth, prosperity and security we do. We stand in solidarity with our partner organizations, workers, women, youth and all other affected groups in our priority countries.
Finally, solidarity and responsibility towards future generations compel us to act quickly and responsibly.

All of our work must lead to positive change for the people and communities we work with and contribute meaningfully to development processes. Thus, we strive to optimize our impacts by continually refining the focus of our objectives and results. In doing so, we place as much importance on the use of synergies and collective learning as on the development of concrete, objectively assessed results. Solidar wants to further strengthen its impact and qualitatively evaluate the positive changes in partners, communities, households and individuals.

Global and national reference

Our work is based on a set of multilateral and national standards, legal frameworks and programs. The most important are

Solidar Suisse Burkina Faso's Theory of Change

Our theory of change involves theEconomy and Work, Disasters and Crises, Democracy and Civil Society.  

Download " Solidar Suisse Burkina Faso's Theory of Change

Word from the country representative

Arid lands, climate change, food insecurity, precarious living and working conditions for youth and women, low citizen participation: these are some of the many difficulties faced by rural populations in Burkina Faso.

A predominantly rural country, 8 out of 10 people depend on the land for their livelihoods and the effects of climate change are unbelievably harsh for them.

Additionally, the results of the 5th General Census of Population and Housing (RGPH, 2019) show that 54.7% of the population is of working age (15 years or older). However, within this working age population, only 42.9% are employed compared to 53.8% of people outside the labor force. This is mainly due to: (i) the lack of appropriate educational opportunities for young people in rural areas who are not in school or who are excluded from the education system; (ii) the poor access to vocational training for poor and vulnerable young people and the weak democratic culture, which undermines efforts to emerge from poverty.

On top of that, I add the worsening security situation that is forcing millions of people to leave their homes (leaving behind their property and income-generating activities). This contributes to the increased number of vulnerable people in the country and consequently the increased need for humanitarian action.

In order to contribute to changing this gloomy situation, Solidar Suisse in Burkina Faso supports since the beginning the most vulnerable people to help them improve their living conditions. Through the government of Burkina Faso and our partners in civil society, we offer support to alleviate the suffering of the population.

Train and equip farmers and women in agriculture, livestock and vegetable farming;

Train and educate young people in job-creating professions;

Innovate education by introducing national languages to facilitate learning and interculturality to promote social cohesion. Provide literacy courses to as many people as possible;

Accompany communal actors to a more inclusive citizen participation... This is how we express our solidarity to the men and women of Burkina Faso.

Our support is paying off. More and more, farmers are developing resilience to the effects of climate change. Women are gardening, harvesting, selling, and improving the lives of their families. Literate young people, educated and trained in the bilingual system, are succeeding brilliantly in their studies and are integrating into social and professional life.

These efforts deserve to be made known to the world. This is what we aim to do through this website. It is a showcase to discover the program of the Solidar Suisse Representation in Burkina Faso through the life stories of these people who have overcome adversity through our combined efforts.

For us, solidarity also means sharing our life experiences. Let's be in solidarity, let's be Solidar!

R. Dieudonné ZAONGO
Country representative of Solidar Suisse in Burkina Faso


Solidar Suisse has been active in Burkina Faso since 1974. We have chosen not to implement projects directly in the field. Our approach is to accompany our state and civil society partners in implementing projects that are in line with our priority areas of intervention:

In all of our interventions, we place a strong emphasis on gender, organizational and capacity building of farmers' organizations, and natural disaster risk reduction.

The projects of the Solidar Suisse representation in Burkina Faso are in line with the strategy

They offer institutional development, continuity/sustainability, and the potential for positive impacts in the communities.


The representation of Solidar Suisse in Burkina Faso is made up of a varied and professional team on development issues.

Institutional News

Find here the latest news from our organization.


Our financial partners

To carry out our fight for a more equal world, we receive financial support from various partners at the national and international level.  


Direction du développement et la Coopération Suisse

Liechtensteinois de développement (LED)

Swiss Solidarity (SwS)

Fédération vaudoise de coopération

Fédération Génévoise de Coopération

Union Européenne

Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas au Burkina Faso

Ambassade royale du Danemark

Our implementing partners

To implement our projects and to maximize success, we work in partnership with various organizations, associations at the national and regional level.  

Caritas Suisse

Artisanal Gold Council


Association Beo Neere Agroécologie (ABNA)

Association Beoog-Neere du Ganzourgou (ABN-G)

Association Manegdbzanga (AM)

Association Tind Yalgré (ATY)

OCADES Banfora


OCADES Ouahigouya

Secrétariat National de l’Enseignement catholique (SNEC)

Laboratoire Citoyennetés (LC)

SOS SAHEL International

OCADES Dédougou


FEPAB Ouahigouya

AFLATOUN International


Cadre de Concertation des ONG et Associations actives en Education de Base (CEEB)


Association Wendkouni

Tin Tua

Tabital lobal


Association pour la promotion et l’Intégration de la Jeunesse de la région du Centre-Nord (APIJCN)


Autres partenaires

Our Networks

Brüecke Le Pont

Alliance Sud

Swiss NGO DRR Platform

Core Humanitarian Standars Alliance


AWO International

Réseau Education de qualité par le Bi-plurilinguisme au Burkina Faso (REB)

Réseau Solidar

Réseau OSEO