about the approach

A Village Savings and Credit Association (VSCA) is a group of 15 to 25 people who save money together and make small loans to each other from these savings.

Savings group activities operate in "cycles" lasting about a year (9-12 months), at the end of which the accumulated savings and loan profits are distributed to members in proportion to the amount saved.

The goals are as follows:

  • Provide an opportunity to save;
  • Provide a sustainable source of credit (financing);
  • A management learning framework;
  • Provide a community living environment (social);
  • Provide a development framework for and by local actors;
  • Create an appropriate framework for resilience.

Helping beneficiaries develop financial discipline and gain familiarity with Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs): This helps the poor reduce the likelihood of having to sell assets prematurely.

Project status

Project status
  • All
  • Ongoing (2)
  • Finished (2)

Zones d'intervention

Zones d'intervention
  • Boucle du Mouhoun (2)
  • Cascades (1)
  • Centre (1)
  • Centre-Nord (1)
  • Centre-Ouest (1)
  • Hauts Bassins (1)
  • Nord (2)
  • Plateau Central (2)
  • Sahel (1)
    • Oudalan (1)
    • Séno (1)
    • Soum (1)
    • Yagha (1)
  • Sud-Ouest (1)

Click on a region to filter the projects.

Découvrir tous les projets dans le Sahel Découvrir tous les projets dans le Nord Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Est Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre Découvrir tous les projets dans le Plateau-Central Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Sud Découvrir tous les projets dans l’Est Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Nord Découvrir tous les projets dans la Boucle du Mouhoun Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Ouest Découvrir tous les projets dans les Cascades Découvrir tous les projets dans le Sud-Ouest Découvrir tous les projets dans les Hauts-Bassins Zones d’intervention Autres régions burkinabè


  • Democracy, Civil Society, and Humanitarian Action (3)
  • Economy and Work (1)




  • Humanitarian action (1)
  • Democracy and participation (3)
  • Bi-Plurilingual Education (2)
  • Nexus (1)
  • Gold panning (1)
  • Peace and social cohesion (3)
  • Food security (1)



Financial partners

Financial partners
  • Fédération Génévoise de Coopération
  • Union Européenne
  • Ambassade royale du Danemark

Implementing Partners

Implementing Partners
  • Secrétariat National de l’Enseignement catholique (SNEC)
  • SOS SAHEL International
  • OCADES Dédougou
  • FEPAB Ouahigouya
  • Association Wendkouni
  • UFC-Dori

Our projects

Find here our projects on this approach.


Promoting agroecological practices and enhancing the value of agricultural products

Food security


Strengthening the livelihoods of vulnerable populations

Humanitarian ActionAgricultural entrepreneurshipTraining and professional integration of young peopleNexusPeace and social cohesion


Strengthening the community resilience of agroforestry households in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Nord and Centre-Nord regions

Vocational training and labour market integration of young people


Promoting girls' access to education and vocational training