about the approach

Contractual reforestation is an approach developed by our partner SOS Sahel International Burkina Faso (SOSSIBF). It is an effective reforestation approach that consists of a contract with the beneficiaries to make them responsible for the maintenance of the seedlings in exchange for premiums based on the survival rate of the seedlings.

This approach requires the establishment of a climate of trust between the NGO and the beneficiaries insofar as no financial input is provided at the start of the activity: the producers themselves ensure the costs of implementation and will have a potential income two years after this human and material investment


  • Fight against desertification;
  • To solve the problem of lack of follow-up and low survival rate generally observed in reforestation operations, especially in rural areas;
  • Provide a short-term incentive for beneficiaries to plant and maintain seedlings for a period of at least two years (minimum critical duration for the survival and sustainability of an afforestation).

Conditions for the implementation of the approach

  • Good awareness of the actors (producers, technical services, resource persons, etc.);
  • Reassure growers of incentive premiums.

Implementation process

  • Information/Sensitization of actors on the approach at the local level; producers, local elected officials, administrative, customary and religious authorities;
  • Awareness on good reforestation and tree maintenance techniques;
  • Census of volunteers for reforestation

Stakeholders in the implementation

  • Producers, agents of technical deconcentrated services.

Direct beneficiaries

  • Producer-planters, communities, associations, cooperatives, state services, private services, etc.

Indirect beneficiaries

  • The populations


  • Better results compared to the generally observed averages;
  • Investment on the basis of results;
  • Low investment cost

This approach has the advantage of obtaining a better support of the communities and a good survival rate of the plants (more than 70%). Promotion of local species that provide income and high nutritional value such as moringa, baobab, Acacia macrostachya, etc.

Project status

Project status
  • All
  • Ongoing (1)
  • Finished (1)

Zones d'intervention

Zones d'intervention
  • Centre-Ouest (1)
    • Sanguié (1)
  • Plateau Central (2)
    • Ganzourgou (1)
    • Kourwéogo (1)
    • Oubritenga (1)

Click on a region to filter the projects.

Découvrir tous les projets dans le Sahel Découvrir tous les projets dans le Nord Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Est Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre Découvrir tous les projets dans le Plateau-Central Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Sud Découvrir tous les projets dans l’Est Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Nord Découvrir tous les projets dans la Boucle du Mouhoun Découvrir tous les projets dans le Centre-Ouest Découvrir tous les projets dans les Cascades Découvrir tous les projets dans le Sud-Ouest Découvrir tous les projets dans les Hauts-Bassins Zones d’intervention Autres régions burkinabè


  • Democracy, Civil Society, and Humanitarian Action (1)
  • Economy and Work (1)




  • Humanitarian action (1)
  • Democracy and participation (3)
  • Bi-Plurilingual Education (2)
  • Nexus (1)
  • Gold panning (1)
  • Peace and social cohesion (3)
  • Food security (1)



Financial partners

Financial partners
  • Direction du développement et la Coopération Suisse
  • Liechtensteinois de développement (LED)

Implementing Partners

Implementing Partners
  • Artisanal Gold Council
  • Caritas Suisse

Our projects

Find here our projects on this approach.

Humanitarian ActionAgricultural entrepreneurshipTraining and professional integration of young peopleNexusPeace and social cohesion


Strengthening the community resilience of agroforestry households in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Nord and Centre-Nord regions